- Sports 5
- Home and Family 6
- Pre – Independence 5
- Green Living 1
- Post – Independence 2
- Tech Trends 2
- Development 18
- The Body 3
- Discover 5
- Wellness Holistic 4
- Culture 6
- Remedies 4
- Art 5
- The Love 8
- The Flavour 6
- Wedding 5
- Mauritian Cuisine 11
- Honeymoon 6
- Beverages 4
- The Traveller 5
- Sweets 3
- Sustainable Tourism 2
- The Fun 4
- Outings 5
- Entertainment 6
- Accommodation 3
- Nightlife 7
- Places of Interest 9
- Music 3
- Activities 1
- Local Tourism 7
- Fashions 7
- The Life 2