As with most sugarcane producing countries, distilled cane rum is a national pride. Perhaps even more popular are the locally produced beers, in particular Phoenix (lager), Blue Marlin (Pale ale). Wine has also grown in popularity and made huge progress with imports from all over the world. Of course all the international alcoholic beverages are also available in supermarkets.

Soft drinks and fresh fruit juices are widely available, both imported and locally produced, but the national non-alcoholic beverage that stands out is Alouda, a milk based drink with basil seeds. As far as hot drinks go, tea drinking is a national pastime, locally produced from plantations, including from the Bois Cheri estate, and it is often flavoured with vanilla. Coffee is also on the ascendency with more and more cafés found in the shopping malls of Mauritius.


Wine is not for just drinking, but drinking for pleasure. There is a world of difference between drinking without thinking and making the most of every mouthful. Knowing the right way to taste all its flavours might just be the key to a lifetime's fun and appreciation. To get more out of every sip, glass and bottle, one simply needs to consid­er the wine in three stages: look, smell, and then taste.


Mauritius may not be a place where one can find miles of vineyard. The climatic conditions and the topography of the place are not suitable for large-scale cultivation of grapes. Winemakers in the country have to rely on wine coming from other countries to run their businesses. Others prefer to restrict themselves to the distribution of the best wine coming from abroad.

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