The Mauritian economy is considered one of the most successful in Africa and is often cited as an example of a long-term stable economy. The Mauritius economy has developed from being reliant solely on sugar revenues (Agriculture) to a more diverse economy with five major pillars: sugar, tourism, textiles, financial services and IT.
Traditionally sugar was the main source of income for Mauritius but diversification gave rise to new pillars to create a stronger economy.
In spite of its small economic size, limited natural resources and remoteness from world markets; Mauritius has transformed itself from a poor sugar economy into one of the most successful economies in Africa in recent decades, largely through reliance on trade-led development but also its ability to negotiate tax, investment and financial agreements with Asian and African countries that established Mauritius as an financial transit hub and tax haven both in the Grey zone thus, attracting foreign companies and investors to the benefit of the country.
Technology also occupies a prominent place within the economy and is gradually positioning itself as one of the most important sources of income for the country.


Previously sugar was exported to the EU from Mauritius under the Sugar Protocol that was signed between the EU and the ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States) countries where Mauritius was allocated an annual quota of 507,000 tonnes of raw sugar at a guaranteed price. Since the EU ended this quota in 2009, the price of sugar fell and Mauritius had to diversify its sugar industry in order to survive.


The sugar production process includes the following stages and elements: Harvesting - The cut or harvest is generally from June to November. This is completed manually with a sickle or mechanically. Then the cargo is transported to the factory.
The factory – includes: grinding mills, heaters, decanters, evaporators, cookers, mixers and centrifuges, plus lots of water to heat the syrup when steamed Stripping - The cane is stripped of their leaves and chopped into small pieces before going through the grinding mills.


In the year 1638, the Dutch introduced sugar cane to Mauritius from Java in Indonesia, a move that would change the island’s destiny forever. However, the Dutch only used sugar cane to produce rum until their departure in 1710. It was under the French from 1715 onwards that sugar cane was cultivated in order to produce sugar. Today, after more than 300 years, sugar is still produced in Mauritius and accounts for 40% of all exports. However there are concerns for the future of the sugar industry following the lifting of EU quotas on domestic sugar production in late 2017 meaning that prices will come down and Mauritius will have to compete on the open market, but steps have been taken to diversify the sugar industry, including refining sugar for direct consumption and the production of speciality sugars, as well as energy production.


Sugar is one of the most commonly used commodities in the world, with countries with suitable climates located in the tropics, some of the largest producers of it. The history of this particular island in the tropics has been bound with the epic story of sugar for 300 years. Yet over 1000 years ago, sugar was already well known to the Indians and Chinese. As a valuable commodity, sugar travelled from the Far and Middle East to the gates of the Mediterranean, transported by Greek and Arab conquerors and introduced to the West by the Crusaders and sold for the price of gold by Venetian merchants in the 19th century.


Mauritius is not just sand, sea and beautiful beaches. It is also the land of good food and beverages. With the emergence of the tourism sector, and the steady rise in tourist arrivals, the food and beverages sector has been constantly improving their services and products on offer.

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